Real Success in Islam

 Real Success in Islam

We have standards of success in our minds that success comes from money?
success comes from property?success comes from business? success comes from fame?
success comes from power?the more rich the more successful, the more popular the more
successful, whoever accumulated big business is successful the one who becomes leader
is successed, This is actually a delusion. Success is not about wealth, Success is
not about fame, Success is not about power and leadership. Rather success comes from
faith By righteous deeds, Advising each other for truth, Advising each other for
patience, Please understand and focus if you had success with wealth,'Qaron' would
have been very successful, if success was through leadership,'Pharaoh and Nimrod'
would have been very successful but they have failed, they have lost,they have lost.
The Holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) Said,"What do I care about this world of yours?
My example is like that of a rider who stays in the shade of a tree for a while to
relax and then he moves he has no permanent connection to the tree This is not his
home nor his destination." this is the example of world we all have to struggle
for here after life that would be forever life that would be forever successed.


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