
Showing posts from July, 2024

History of Masjida Aqsa | Qibla-i-awal

 History of Masjida Aqsa Masjid al-Aqsa, located in Jerusalem, is one of the holiest sites in Islam. Its history spans over 3,000 years, with various periods of construction, destruction, and renovation. Here's a brief overview: - Ancient Era (3000 BCE - 638 CE):  The site was originally a Canaanite temple, later replaced by a Jewish temple (Solomon's Temple) around 950 BCE. After the Roman destruction in 70 CE, the site remained abandoned for centuries. - Islamic Era (638 - 1099 CE):  In 638 CE, Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab built a mosque on the site, which was later expanded and renovated by Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan in 691 CE. This mosque became known as Masjid al-Aqsa. - Crusader Era (1099 - 1187 CE):  The Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099 CE and converted Masjid al-Aqsa into a church. - Ayyubid Era (1187 - 1250 CE):  Saladin recaptured Jerusalem in 1187 CE and restored Masjid al-Aqsa to its original purpose. - Ottoman Era (1517 - 1917 CE):  The Ottomans ruled Jerusal

Real Success in Islam

 Real Success in Islam We have standards of success in our minds that success comes from money? success comes from property?success comes from business? success comes from fame? success comes from power?the more rich the more successful, the more popular the more successful, whoever accumulated big business is successful the one who becomes leader is successed, This is actually a delusion. Success is not about wealth, Success is not about fame, Success is not about power and leadership. Rather success comes from faith By righteous deeds, Advising each other for truth, Advising each other for patience, Please understand and focus if you had success with wealth,'Qaron' would have been very successful, if success was through leadership,'Pharaoh and Nimrod' would have been very successful but they have failed, they have lost,they have lost. The Holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) Said,"What do I care about this world of yours? My example is like that of a rider who stays i


  Nikah   is a pure bond in which the couple stays together in this world and hereafter. Moreover, your aim shall be to stay together in Jannah, not limited to this temporary world. The top 5 tips that would boost your relationship are as follows: 1. Express your love through gratitude . A simple “Thank you” is so easy to say, but the impact that gives to your spouse is huge! It’s an act of kindness, that you appreciate the work that your spouse has done. The more gratitude you express, the more love you’ll see in your spouse’s eyes. 2. Surprise your spouse with a surprising gift . One of the happiest moments that your spouse experience is when he/she receives a gift. No matter how big or small it is, a gift that has been given with a kind heart is always adorable! 3. Handle tough situations politely . It’s a fact that everyone’s mindset is different. So there will come some situations when your spouse may get angry or frustrated. When one is fire, the other must be like water. If the

Seerah of prophet Muhammad (SAW)

    Seerah of Prophet Muhammad is a Key to Everything. Being a Muslims we are supposed to study the life of Holy prophet Muhammad (SAW).  His life guide us in every area of life, as followers of Muhammad (SAW) we must have complete knowledge of our Holy prophet.     If we want to be successful in our life we must follow his life.   We're losing Muslims because we have lost connection with the seerah of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.S). We struggle to connect to our Prophet (SAW). How can you love a man you do not know? How can you revere a man you have never heard of? The seerah is making us understand why we do? what we do?  To know Islam is to know the seerah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).   By knowing the root of something we can 'appreciate, respect, honor' and emulate it. Knowing the history of Islam is an integral part of our religion and cannot be underestimated.

Economic benefits of sacrifice

  Economic benefits of sacrifice    According to an estimate, more than four trillion rupees less livestock was traded on Eid, 23 billion rupees were earned by butchers and labours, more than 3 billion rupees were earned by those who traded animals feed.                   Those who brought animals in vehicles got employment worth billions of rupees, the poor got labor, farmers got fodder, the villagers got good price for their cattle, later the poor got expensive meat for free. This money provided more job opportunities to the workers in the leather factories           If the person who earned this money will spend it on his needs, business activi ties worth trillions of rupees will be created. Even if the money collected by taxation starts to be distributed among the poor, then the poor and the country cannot benefit as much as the Muslims do by obeying this one order of Allah.         In the language of economics, the circulation of wealth begins with this sacrifice, a cycle tha